Rockwood Thunder is a member of Gateway Region Volleyball Association, one of 40 regional governing bodies in the US. The region covers the southern half of Illinois and eastern half of Missouri.
Our 2021-2022 season set records as our Region's most decorated girls club - 21 girls teams (over half of our eligible club) earned the right to compete at the 2022 USAV GJNC - including our 17s and 14s Carolina Teams, as well as our 18s, 16s, 14s, and 12s White teams. Our 18 Elite team brought home a Bronze Medal, while our 15 Elite Team Brought home a National Championship! Our 2022-2023 season continued its extra-ordinary quality of success, having 17 of our 40 eligible competitive teams qualify for 2023 Nationals. Rockwood continues to have the highest percentage of teams (13 of 41 in 2023-2024) from a single geographic club that hosts multiple teams within each age group performing at the highest levels!
Rockwood Thunder VBC strives to be organized and educate both the players and the parents on what is expected to be successful in both playing the game and being a member of the Rockwood Thunder Volleyball Club. This section is primarily directed to the parents to provide an overview of what you need to understand to participate fully in the club experience. Click on the various links below for more detail on each topic.
Rockwood has moved away from a club-wide in-person registration meeting, and has chosen to handle everyone online (paperwork and payments). However, an in-person uniform fitting is still necessary for the athletes. Be prepared to meet Sunday evening of Tryout weekend to get sizing squared away!
We have scheduled skill specific training sessions (middles, outsides/right sides, defensive specialist, setters, etc.), so players will be taught consistently across the club and as age appropriate. This also provides additional consistency for our coaches in the various drills and skills.
Each team will schedule 2-3 tournaments per month. Coaches will work with the teams to determine if additional out-of-town tournaments are needed to prepare for Qualifiers and the Regional Bid tournament. It is our hope that all teams will qualify for the National tournament, but that is subject to the success of each team.
Participating in any club sport requires a Financial Commitment. The Financial Estimate for Rockwood Thunder VBC is available upon request for those interested in the cost of participation for the club or an individual team.. Each team independently will decide on additional tournaments outside the standard Rockwood Thunder budget format. Below is an average of the expenses for the season. See a full breakdown of cost on our CLUB COSTS page.
Each team will try to schedule practice times for at least 2 times per week at selected Parkway or Rockwood School District locations. All Rockwood South teams will be practicing at Center STL. As schools have other events, schedules may need to be adjusted from week-to-week. Your coach or team Admin will inform your team of the schedule and changes.
USAV requires the completion of online referee and score keeping modules before the start of competition. Also required is an in-person practicum to practice the learned online information in live competition. Rockwood will host a mega scrimmage Sunday December 1, 2024 to allow our more experienced teams to mentor our younger teams thru this process.
Many of our players achieve great skills and success playing for our club. We facilitate publishing player's VB profiles/resumes for prospecting colleges. We have resources available to aid the players in tracking their progress to achieving their goals.
Tryouts are a mandatory part of the process. We are holding 3 different sessions this year. Different sessions are held for the different age groups of Boys, Girls U10-U14, and Girls U15-U18. Even within a given age group, times are set up for each age bracket (10, 11, 12...). It is critical that your child participate in the age-specific session and location in order to be evaluated by the appropriate coaches. If you are unable to attend that specific session, contact the Club Director or the appropriate age group Coaches for that age to determine if another time will be acceptable.
Rockwood Thunder is a member of Gateway Region Volleyball Association, one of 40 regional governing bodies in the US. The region covers the southern half of Illinois and eastern half of Missouri.
Parkway-Rockwood Community Ed is a partnership between the Parkway and Rockwood School Districts that provides high quality programs and services to enhance the quality of life for residents. We provide experiences for today, tomorrow and life.